Improve Indoor Air Quality with Vinyl Windows in Waukesha, WI

Sep 04, 2017

According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), most homes have higher air pollution levels compared to the outdoor air. Walking into your home could mean that you are breathing 10 to 100 times more air pollution! Even if your home feels clean, you could be breathing toxic air all day long.

If you want to improve the quality of your indoor air, then it is important to be sure that you have windows to bring in the fresh air on a nice day. During the warmer months of the year, there are many homes in Waukesha, WI that can benefit from fresh air.

Health Dangers of Poor Indoor Air Quality

How much does indoor air pollution impact your health? It has been found that microscopic particles of pollution in the air can aggravate symptoms of respiratory diseases, including asthma and sinus issues. Some health professionals have suggested that pollution exposure can impact immune response. If the body is weighed down by pollution, then the major organs don’t function optimally.

Even if you don’t notice the immediate effects of pollution, long-term health problems can develop from continued exposure. So, you need to be proactive to avoid pollution if you want to maintain good health in the future.

How Vinyl Windows Impact Indoor Air Quality?

The first step to decreasing indoor air pollution is to make a few changes in your daily habits. Get rid of chemical cleaners, such as aerosol sprays that could put fumes into the air. There is no reason to use expensive store-bought cleaners. Instead, basic ingredients such as vinegar and baking soda can scrub and disinfect, and you will also save money. You also need to eliminate other types of chemicals in your home, such as open paint cans and chemical-based beauty products.

You can be proactive to get rid of these products, but there are still household items that release chemicals into the air. For example, most mattresses are treated with a flame-resistant retardant that negatively impacts indoor air quality. You can’t get rid of your bed, so consider the option to keep the air flowing to move these airborne chemicals out of your living space.

Opening the windows is a great solution because you can create a breeze that cleans the air and reduces indoor air pollution. So, take a moment to open the windows if the weather is nice outside. Not only will you improve the quality of your air, but you will also see that open windows will brighten your mood. Be sure that you have high-quality windows that are easy to open and close whenever you would like to enjoy the fresh breeze.

Get Rid of the Old Windows in Your Waukesha, WI Home

One of the biggest reasons that people don’t open the windows is because old windows can be hard to use. If the windows are painted shut, or the warped frames are stuck, then you don’t have the option to open the window. Old frames can be frustrating to open because they are stiff and difficult to move. The best solution is to replace the windows so that they are easy to open whenever you desire.

Here at Wisconsin Weatherall, we want to improve the quality of your home with vinyl windows in Waukesha, WI. Talk to our team to learn more about the features that are available. We are located at S28W31135 Wild Berry Ln Waukesha, WI 53188. Or, you can call: (414) 305-2622

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